Friday, December 9, 2011

Carly & Ian

 I love these two sweeties like they were my own! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Roberts Family

 I still can't get over how much these two have grown since I took their pictures a year ago!  Wow!   They are super polite and well behaved kids!  Gotta hand it to the parents! 

I got a lot of cute group shots too, but I'm waiting to post them until after Christmas.  That way it can be a surprise for their Christmas card (not like anyone really looks at this blog, but just in case!) 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Riley & Adrian! Engaged!

 Oh to be young and in love again!  I remember going with my fiance (now husband of 16 years!)  to a park to take our engagement pictures.  It really seems like just yesterday!  It was wonderful to see this cute couple interact and laugh and just be so cuuuuute.    Can't wait for their wedding in April!

These pictures just make me smile!!!!  I will definitely be saving the date!