We made these pinatas for our unit on Mexican Americans. You won't believe how easy they are to make. You make a solution of flour and water, (add a little salt to deter molding) you want a sticky, gluey consistency. Then you blow up a balloon, rip strips of newspaper and dip them in the solution and then layer over the balloon. After a day or two it will be dry and you can simply paint it or glue tissue paper to it. We then cut a small whole in the top and added some prizes! Fun and easy! You wouldn't believe how hard it was to break!
your flour water mixture probably had to much flour if it became really hard to break. It's like making flour tortillas there is no recipe and you only get a good one after many many many tries. I've never had a good tortilla nor pinata.
If you add some kind of cones you can make the tradicional mexican pinata, they are made of construction paper, I learned it from my mom!
and she is an expert with the flour tortillas.
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