Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pictures with my point and shoot... no editing!

I just got back from a trip to Utah for Thanksgiving...after 15 hours in the car with 4 kids. I spent the car ride reading digital photography books and dreaming about all the cool shots I am going to be able to take when I FINALLY get my hands on a nice SLR... However, I think these pictures from the trip turned out well. These were taken with my Canon PowerShot SD1000 Digital ELPH. Do they call it an 'elph' to make you think of 'elf'? It is a tiny little camera, the size of a deck of cards... which I love because it's so easy to stick in your pocket and pull it out to capture that perfect shot. I used the Digital Macro feature on the close ups. It's the feature that has a tulip icon with a capitol D on it.  The top picture is from a fun restaurant we discovered with some killer Greek food.  My kids are used to me now taking pictures of their food before they can eat it... if the food looks good, it must be photographed.   Below is my baby, with the gorgeous mountain range in the background.  I love the detail on her lips.

My kids were decorating cookies and I love how this picture shows the detail on the cookie with the kids in the background.  The morning sunlight coming in through the window is perfect!  Below is Great Grandma's hand with my one year old's hand.  So precious.

Pigging out on pumpking pie.  I love the pies texture as well as my little ones cute freckles.  I'm so not there yet, but I enjoy these pictures.  So when do I need to start putting a little trademark on my photos?  I know I'm totally getting ahead of myself, but just wondering :) 


jannalee said...

Awesome pictures! You are a great photographer!

Brooke said...

Hey Jen, I have always loved your photography! In my search for a wedding photographer I discovered my new fave. She's photographed a few of my friends' weddings but she does everything. I love how she gets to know people personally and then brings out the best in their style and personality...not just your typical stock shots for everyone. I sent you her link...maybe her stuff will give you some cool ideas

love you!

Andrea said...

You have to teach me how to do that blurry background thing. I have tried and tried with my camera even with the "close up of flower" setting and I still can't get it! Good for you learning all that photography stuff!