Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun at the Park

This little face says it all...this girl LOVES the park!  When we go to pick up big brother from school she makes a bee-line for the playground.  Her giggle just makes me happy to be her mommy :)

Having some fun with my camera!  I just love this cute shot of her footsies!

Big brother loves to push!

Just chillin in the swing.

I was laying on the ground, staring up at her, hoping she didn't kick me in the face (or in the camera)... this look says it all... "Mom you are strange!"

These cute girls have been best friends for the past 4 years.  It's neat how well they get along.  It's nice to have that special friend that is with you through it all. 

We didn't have much luck with the wind that day :( 

I was about to put my camera away, when I saw my five year old and his friend having a blast at the drinking fountain!  I love my zoom lens... I can stay out of the action but get some cool shots without cropping and without getting my camera wet!  


Don't these pictures make you want to play in the water on a hot day?  So fun!


edith said...

What great pictures! I love the light through the water drops.
It's been forever since I commented. Sorry!

Carrie said...

I found your blog through Rosanne.

Your photography is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!